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  • Food Industry
  • Production Efficiency
  • Smart Algorithm

Griffith Foods: Smart Algorithms to Boost Efficiency

Hype­r­i­on’s smart algo­rithm enabled Grif­fith Foods to reclaim 17 pro­duc­tion days, reduce down­time, and save water, dri­ving effi­cien­cy across their operations.

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A collaboration between

  • Arinti
  • Numble

  • AI

Unilever: Sales Forecasting

Hype­r­i­on worked on dif­fer­ent Sales Fore­cast­ing tools for Unilever Bel­gium; pre­dict­ing the dai­ly sales amount of cer­tain prod­ucts for the next weeks & the month­ly sales amount of a cer­tain prod­uct for the next year.

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A collaboration between

  • Arinti

  • Innovative solutions
  • Fast moving industry
  • Digital transformation

Mercedes: Transforming Customer Service with Consultancy

Hyperion’s part­ner­ship with Mer­cedes-Benz has trans­formed their Cus­tomer Assis­tance Cen­ter, enhanc­ing oper­a­tions with expert sup­port in CRMAI.

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A collaboration between

  • Hyperion
  • Customer Link

  • User-Centered Design
  • Smart City Solutions
  • Public Sector Innovation

City of Antwerp: User-Centred Solutions for a Future-Ready City

Hyperion’s part­ner­ship with the city of Antwerp enhances cit­i­zen engage­ment and mod­ernises city ser­vices, across over 70 suc­cess­ful projects.

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A collaboration between

  • Leap Forward
  • Customer Link
  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • Monkeyshot
  • Anvil

  • Public Sector Digitalization
  • Scalable Digital Solutions
  • Citizen-Centric Design

Bruges: Revamping the Website for a Citizen-Centric Future

Bruges part­nered with Hype­r­i­on to build a user-friend­ly web­site where cit­i­zens can find answers in just four clicks, built on a scal­able, mul­ti-site CMS.

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A collaboration between

  • Leap Forward
  • Anvil

  • Operational Efficiency
  • Retail Automation
  • Sustainability in Retail

C&A: Streamlining Retail Operations Across Europe

Hype­r­i­on helped C&A auto­mate store updates, reduce paper usage by 87%, and improve oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy across 2000 Euro­pean stores.

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A collaboration between

  • Numble
  • Knight Moves

  • Website Consolidation
  • Digital Transformation
  • User-Centered Design

NIBC: Consolidating Four Websites into One

Togeth­er with Hype­r­i­on, NIBC stream­lines its dig­i­tal pres­ence by merg­ing four web­sites into one cohe­sive plat­form, enhanc­ing cus­tomer experience.

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A collaboration between

  • Numble
  • Leap Forward
  • Little Miss Robot

  • Healthcare Data Management
  • Data Migration & Integration
  • Source Data Verification

EBMT: Enhancing Data Integrity and Research Capabilities

Our part­ner­ship with the Euro­pean Soci­ety for Blood and Mar­row Trans­plan­ta­tion (EBMT) rev­o­lu­tionised their reg­istry sys­tem through a mod­ern, scal­able, and user-friend­ly platform.

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A collaboration between

  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • Hyperion

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