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To sim­pli­fy the cus­tomer jour­ney for web vis­i­tors, the strate­gic team at NIBC want­ed to con­sol­i­date four sep­a­rate web­sites into a sin­gle, cohe­sive plat­form, with­out los­ing organ­ic traf­fic or com­pro­mis­ing on user expe­ri­ence. The web­de­sign had to strict­ly fol­low new brand­ing rules, which made the design process more com­plex. Inno­v­a­tive ideas and tech­nol­o­gy upgrades were cru­cial to ensure the bank stays cur­rent and can adapt in the future.

Services used

Service Design


UX/UI Design



Project Management

Change Management


To tack­le these chal­lenges, Hype­r­i­on lever­aged their exper­tise in ser­vice design, wire­fram­ing, and web development.

  • To get start­ed, our ser­vice design­ers and strate­gists organ­ised co-cre­ation work­shops to under­stand the new brand­ing and user require­ments of this new com­plex plat­form. By cre­at­ing wire­frames and pro­to­types ear­ly, our design­ers ensured a seam­less inte­gra­tion of new brand­ing ele­ments while focus­ing strong­ly on user expe­ri­ence. They organ­ised reg­u­lar feed­back ses­sions with the core team at NIBC, ensur­ing align­ment of impor­tant stake­hold­ers and allow­ing for iter­a­tive improve­ments in the design process.
  • Devel­op­ing the web­site with the Umbra­co con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem, we employed an agile approach. As the dead­line was quite tight, this process ran simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with the design phase. The devel­op­ers start­ed out with the basic require­ments and iter­at­ed rapid­ly, based on the progress of the design­ers. This close col­lab­o­ra­tion and shared lan­guage between our design and devel­op­ment team ensured smooth sail­ing through­out the project. Next to that, the bi-week­ly demos of the Umbra­co CMS and its func­tion­al­i­ties kept all stake­hold­ers informed and engaged dur­ing this intense and fast process.
A close-up view of the NICB mobile banking app displaying an account balance and transaction options.


The project suc­cess­ful­ly merged four web­sites into one, main­tain­ing traf­fic and enhanc­ing user expe­ri­ence for all NIBC clients and part­ners. Hype­r­i­on’s strate­gic plan­ning and agile exe­cu­tion result­ed in a time­ly launch, with pos­i­tive feed­back from the team at NIBC. The new web­site fea­tures advanced dig­i­tal forms, encrypt­ed data trans­mis­sion, and func­tion­al tools that meet NIBC’s standards.

But it doesn’t end there. Hype­r­i­on sup­ports oth­er ven­tures of NIBC, like the mobile sav­ings app, Lot Hypotheken or Woon­zorg, with ongo­ing design and devel­op­ment requests, mak­ing this col­lab­o­ra­tion a part­ner­ship on both a strate­gic as imple­men­ta­tion level.

The welcome screen of the NICB mobile banking app with options for mortgages, savings, and real estate investment.


Hyperion’s metic­u­lous approach and ded­i­ca­tion to under­stand­ing NIBC’s needs are piv­otal in deliv­er­ing a uni­fied and robust dig­i­tal pres­ence. This project exem­pli­fies our abil­i­ty to han­dle com­plex dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tions, with inno­v­a­tive solu­tions and high-qual­i­ty out­comes, fos­ter­ing long-term dig­i­tal growth for NIBC.

Want to take the step together?

Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

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