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As phys­i­cal expan­sion of facil­i­ties was not an option, Grif­fith Foods had to look for oth­er ways to pro­duce more. A pain point was the pro­duc­tion line down­time dur­ing clean­ings. To assure the qual­i­ty of each prod­uct and avoid cross-con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, such as mix­ing dyes or aller­gens, the pro­duc­tion line must be com­plete­ly cleaned between var­i­ous prod­uct types.

This process is known as wet clean­ing. It takes 30 to 90 min­utes, often bring­ing pro­duc­tion lines to a stand­still. Down­time means lost sales, so the need was high to reduce this clean­ing time. On the pos­i­tive side, exten­sive wet clean­ing is not always nec­es­sary. If prod­uct types are com­pat­i­ble, a quick dry clean­ing’ is enough, where the machines are hosed down with high air pressure.

Services used

AI Expertise

Data Science & Machine Learning


To reduce clean­ing time, our spe­cial­ists wrote an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence algo­rithm based on Grif­fith Foods’ prod­uct data. The algo­rithm uses this data to deter­mine an opti­mal prod­uct sequence based on prod­uct sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences and forms sequences of prod­ucts that only need dry clean­ing. This great­ly reduces the num­ber of longer wet clean­ings, which only need to be done between incom­pat­i­ble sequences.


To make sure that Grif­fith Foods did not invest in an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence mod­el that would not deliv­er the best results, we first man­u­al­ly col­lect­ed and analysed data on key fea­tures that influ­ence the plan­ning process, assist­ed by Grif­fith Foods’ own plan­ning experts. After iden­ti­fy­ing these crit­i­cal fac­tors, our AI experts select­ed poten­tial mod­els and did sev­er­al rounds of test­ing and fine-tun­ing. This man­u­al method helped us nar­row down to two mod­els that per­formed well. These mod­els could be fur­ther trained for even bet­ter results and in the end, we chose the best-per­form­ing mod­el for implementation.

The oper­a­tors at Grif­fith Foods played a cru­cial role in this imple­men­ta­tion process by shar­ing their spe­cif­ic knowl­edge. They have years of expe­ri­ence in flag­ging the para­me­ters that affect plan­ning, so their exper­tise was invalu­able in refin­ing the mod­els. Addi­tion­al­ly, the eval­u­a­tion of which mod­el per­forms best” was con­duct­ed with them, ensur­ing that any mod­el that had a notice­able error rate was assessed for its impact in real scenarios.

Ulti­mate­ly, the mod­el was test­ed in prac­tice against man­u­al plan­ning by the oper­a­tors, who could still inter­vene in real time if any issues arose in the sup­ply chain. This approach not only max­imis­es the sup­port we pro­vide to the oper­a­tors and plan­ners but also acknowl­edges their years of valu­able experience.

Grif­fith Foods also played an instru­men­tal role in ensur­ing the suc­cess of this project beyond its ini­tial imple­men­ta­tion. Their lead­er­ship team active­ly col­lab­o­rat­ed with us to devel­op an inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion strat­e­gy that high­light­ed the ben­e­fits and suc­cess­es of the cho­sen solu­tion. Recog­nis­ing the suc­cess achieved in their Bel­gian facil­i­ty, the lead­er­ship team at Grif­fith Foods is now explor­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to repli­cate and adapt this mod­el in their pro­duc­tion sites in oth­er countries.

Engineer Adjusting Machine In Food Manufacturing Facility And Pointing Finger At Machine


Less down­time due to wet clean­ings imme­di­ate­ly result­ed in a gain of 17 pro­duc­tion days. 5% few­er wet clean­ings are now need­ed thanks to the opti­mi­sa­tions of the Hype­r­i­on experts. 

The return on invest­ment for Grif­fith Foods is clear: 

  • Those 17 pro­duc­tion days per year that the machines can run extra, reveal a pay­back peri­od of only 10 months. 
  • To add to that, the project also had a pos­i­tive impact on sus­tain­abil­i­ty with­in Grif­fith Foods. Few­er wet clean­ings mean­ing a water sav­ing of 1000m² per year and less use of clean­ing agents.

Want to take the step together?

Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

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