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Explore our cur­rent job open­ings and find the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow your career with Hyperion.

Account Manager (Recruitment Background)

  • Hyperion

Hype­r­i­on is look­ing for a rela­tion­ship builder with a win­ning men­tal­i­ty. Bridg­ing the gap between client needs and can­di­date expectations.

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Solution Owner – Marketing Automation & CRM

  • Comark

At Comark, a MarTech agency, we realise that mar­ket­ing doesn’t go with­out tech­nol­o­gy. Our focus is to help our clients get the most out of these technologies.

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Javascript developer

  • Little Miss Robot

Lit­tle Miss Robot is search­ing for a senior JavaScript devel­op­er with a focus on Angu­lar to join our team.

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.Net Developer

  • Involved

We are look­ing for an expe­ri­enced full-stack devel­op­er & con­sul­tant with knowl­edge of .NET and mod­ern JavaScript frame­works who is inter­est­ed in Cloud Native devel­op­ment and Azure Cloud.

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Security Infra Consultant

  • 3-it

3‑it is look­ing for an expe­ri­enced and enthu­si­as­tic Infra­struc­ture Spe­cial­ist to join the team. Are you an expe­ri­enced and dri­ven pro­fes­sion­al who also has good com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

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Network Engineer

  • 3-it

3‑it is look­ing for an expe­ri­enced and enthu­si­as­tic Net­work Engi­neer to join the team. Are you an expe­ri­enced and dri­ven pro­fes­sion­al who also has good com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

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Project Manager — Infra/​Cloud Projects

  • 3-it

3‑it is look­ing for an expe­ri­enced and enthu­si­as­tic Project Man­ag­er to join the team. Are you an expe­ri­enced and dri­ven pro­fes­sion­al who also has good com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

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Digital Project Manager

  • Studio Hyperdrive

Above all, we are look­ing for the right team fit—some­one who val­ues long-term col­lab­o­ra­tion over short-term gains, can empathize with our clients, and is eager to make our com­pa­ny an excep­tion­al place to work.

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Medior/​Senior JavaScript Developer (with a touch of generalist)

  • Studio Hyperdrive

Above all, we are look­ing for the right team fit—some­one who val­ues long-term col­lab­o­ra­tion over short-term gains, can empathize with our clients, and is eager to make our com­pa­ny an excep­tion­al place to work.

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UX Designer

  • Monkeyshot

At Mon­keyshot, we’re look­ing for a cre­ative mind who can deliv­er both con­cepts and detailed designs that make cus­tomers and end-users smile.

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Business Analyst

  • Catcoon

As a Busi­ness Ana­lyst you are a bridge between the dif­fer­ent depart­ments, you can iden­ti­fy prob­lems and facil­i­tate changes with­in the organization. 

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Marketing Automation Specialist

  • Havik

As a mar­ket­ing automa­tion spe­cial­ist you will ana­lyze the needs of the cus­tomer and help them opti­mize their cus­tomer expe­ri­ence with Sales­force Mar­ket­ing Cloud.

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Working at Hyperion

Long-term commitment

We strive for sus­tain­able rela­tion­ships with both clients and employ­ees. This means that as an employ­ee, you can count on a sta­ble and long-last­ing career with­in our orga­ni­za­tion. Our focus is on cre­at­ing an envi­ron­ment where you can con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op yourself.

Challenging environment

At Hype­r­i­on, you’re encour­aged to chal­lenge your­self. We offer numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties to enhance your skills and acquire new exper­tise. The diverse and com­plex projects you’ll work on will stim­u­late you to push your bound­aries and come up with cre­ative solutions.

Employee Engagement and Community

Hype­r­i­on fos­ters a peo­ple-ori­ent­ed, fam­i­ly-like cul­ture. We view our employ­ees as our most valu­able asset and cre­ate an envi­ron­ment where they can be them­selves. Our com­mit­ment to well-being is evi­dent through fair com­pen­sa­tion, coach­ing, and exten­sive train­ing opportunities.

  • Comark
  • Healthonauts
  • Once
  • Prospectr
  • House of Innovation
  • Exert
  • Havik
  • ElevateIT
  • Collectief
  • Customer Link
  • Involved
  • Leap Forward
  • Numble
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Monkeyshot
  • EdenceHealth
  • IW
  • Nemeon
  • Knight Moves
  • Anvil
  • Codekraton
  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • Krew
  • Little Miss Robot
  • Catcoon
  • 3-IT
  • Arinti
  • BeBold
  • Hyperion
  • Fluo
  • Radikal
  • Maven
  • Upcore
  • Lifelike
    • Hyperion
    • 3-IT
    • Collectief
    • Catcoon
    • ElevateIT
    • IW
    • Prospectr
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Numble
    • Comark
    • Arinti
    • Radikal
    • Knight Moves
    • EdenceHealth
    • Leap Forward
    • Once
    • Involved
    • Codekraton
    • Maven
    • Upcore
    • Monkeyshot
    • Exert
    • Fluo
    • Havik
    • Krew
    • Nemeon
    • House of Innovation
    • Healthonauts
    • Anvil
    • Customer Link
    • Mirror Mirror
    • BeBold
    • Lifelike
    • Anvil
    • Prospectr
    • Fluo
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Hyperion
    • BeBold
    • Leap Forward
    • Exert
    • Codekraton
    • Collectief
    • Lifelike
    • Healthonauts
    • Customer Link
    • Involved
    • Once
    • Monkeyshot
    • ElevateIT
    • Maven
    • Radikal
    • Comark
    • IW
    • Numble
    • Havik
    • 3-IT
    • Upcore
    • Krew
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Catcoon
    • House of Innovation
    • Nemeon
    • Knight Moves
    • EdenceHealth
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Arinti
    • Upcore
    • Maven
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Healthonauts
    • 3-IT
    • Customer Link
    • Involved
    • Codekraton
    • House of Innovation
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Radikal
    • Collectief
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Havik
    • Hyperion
    • Comark
    • Knight Moves
    • Exert
    • Leap Forward
    • Prospectr
    • ElevateIT
    • Once
    • Nemeon
    • BeBold
    • Catcoon
    • EdenceHealth
    • Anvil
    • Numble
    • Fluo
    • Lifelike
    • Arinti
    • IW
    • Krew
    • Monkeyshot
    • House of Innovation
    • Collectief
    • Catcoon
    • Hyperion
    • Comark
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Radikal
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Customer Link
    • Exert
    • Mirror Mirror
    • IW
    • Nemeon
    • Involved
    • Healthonauts
    • Lifelike
    • Codekraton
    • ElevateIT
    • BeBold
    • Prospectr
    • Numble
    • Monkeyshot
    • Maven
    • Knight Moves
    • Havik
    • EdenceHealth
    • Leap Forward
    • Anvil
    • Krew
    • 3-IT
    • Once
    • Fluo
    • Upcore
    • Arinti
    Two people, one in a pink jacket and the other in a white shirt, sitting at a wooden picnic table outside, working together on a laptop. The setting includes wooden benches and a paved area, with plants in the background.

    People first community

    Our peo­ple are our great­est asset, and they are at the heart of every­thing we do. We pri­ori­tise cre­at­ing a fam­i­ly-like atmos­phere where every­one feels includ­ed and at home. Beyond our team events, we offer sup­port, coach­ing and train­ing. At Hype­r­i­on, you can be your­self in an envi­ron­ment that cel­e­brates individuality.

    Our com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven approach ensures that each team mem­ber feels val­ued, sup­port­ed, and empow­ered to make a real impact, both with­in Hype­r­i­on and in the world around us.

    At Hyperion, I’ve found a unique family where I can truly be myself — where entrepreneurship meets personal growth. After more than a decade here, I’ve discovered that there’s always room, time, and support to explore what you’re passionate about, both as an employee and as an entrepreneur.

    Want to take the step together?

    Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

    Send us a message